Saturday, May 14, 2011


Soooooooo my 21st birthday is coming up next month (Brooklynn) and I plan on partying all weekend. Lol. I've been waiting for this day since last year when all of my friends turned 21 and started going to the bars in our college town instead of the parties (the only place I was able to get into), so it is long over due for me. My birthday happens to fall on a thursday this year which is perfect because we can start the celebration at a bar everyone goes to for Thirsty Thursday's. I'm hoping to go out in downtown Indianapolis or Chicago during the actual weekend but I need for find party dresses for the events, right?... Yes, I thought so too! So in my online browsing I ran into this dress less than 10 min ago and I love love love it! I think it will be perfect for me to wear for the bars in Bloomington for my actual birthday because it's a casual environment and of course I want to stand out, I'm the birthday girl. But 2 problems arise in choosing this dress to be my debut into the amazing world of complete legalization; the first being the dress is black... :( my birthday is smack-dabe in the middle of June I'd like to wear gorgeous bright colors annnnd the second is I'm questioning if I should order it when the smallest size is a small and I wear an x-small :/. But it's worth the risk, right? Feedback ladies..& gents please, I need your help! :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday a month in advance! It's too bad legislatures don't all respect the Constitution which specifies that all citizens must be afforded equal rights and privileges under the law. With that said, take it from me that being sick and hung over isn't that great of a privilege. When I turned 18 I bought a bottle of vodka, rank over half of it within an hour or two, and got really sick.
    That dress looks really pretty. Do they allow returns if it's way too big? It's too bad if it it doesn't come in the colours and size you are looking for. I love the bow on the back of it.
